Welcome to the Jordanian country hub! Here you can find the latest information about the actions SwitchMed is carrying out to achieve sustainable consumption and production in Jordan. Stay tuned!

On the industry side, together with the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) scales-up activities related to a resource efficient production as outlined in the national scaling-up roadmap, developed during the MED TEST II demonstrations in Jordan. The actions under the MED TEST III project include the additional qualification of 10 service providers, including on the job training in 10 new industry demonstrations, and the development of a curriculum for universities to build future capacities in improving resource consumption for Jordan.

At policy level, Jordan has successfully developed their Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan (SCP-NAP) (UN Sustainable Development Goal 12) and is currently implementing it. For further information please visit the Jordan national policy hub.

As for green entrepreneurship, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) strengthens Business Support Organisations (BSOs) targeting green entrepreneurs and start-ups, by setting-up local partnerships and providing enhanced business support services. These services include the transfer of methodologies to BSOs and training, coaching and advisory services to green entrepreneurs, as well as activities promoting networking and access to finance. The local partner in Jordan is the Business Development Center. For further information please visit the Switchers Support National Partnership of Jordan.

Find the results of SwitchMed Phase I in Jordan here.

Resources SEE ALL

  • MED TEST III in Jordan - Project summary and achievements


  • Country Outlook on Sustainable Finance - Jordan


  • Jordan Country Profile


  • Regional Summary of Policy Recommendations to Support the Development of Green and Circular Businesses in the Mediterranean


  • Regional Baseline Assessment Region II: Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and Libya


  • MED TEST III - Advancing resource-efficient and competitive industries in Jordan


  • Factsheet SwitchMed demo Jordan - Eco-innovation


  • Factsheet SwitchMed demo Jordan - Empowerment of women


  • Factsheet SwitchMed demo Jordan - Aqaba


  • Factsheet SCP-NAP Jordan
