How can we bridge circular and blue economies in the Mediterranean? The conference “Fostering Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean” will seek to answer that key question in Barcelona on 10 and 11 May 2022 through a hybrid event with both in-person and online formats.
Co-organized by the SwitchMed programme (Regional Policy Component), the Interreg MED Blue Growth Community and the Interreg MED modular project BLUEfasma, the event aims to shed light on the development of Circular Economy within selected sectors of the Blue economy in the Mediterranean, namely fisheries and aquaculture, nautical tourism and port activities, including shipbuilding and repair.
Over the last months, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), that is in charge of the Regional Policy Component under SwitchMed, joined forces with the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), a member of the Interreg MED Blue Growth Community to prepare a common report, with the support of Plan Bleu, on the integration of circular economy within Blue Economy Sectors. The report will be launched during the event. It will showcase current practices and will provide recommendations to strengthen this integration in the Mediterranean.
The conference will also aim at ensuring the transfer, mainstreaming and capitalization of knowledge and tools developed in the framework of the implementation of the involved projects.
On 10 May, participants are invited to attend the plenary sessions in SCP/RAC’s venue, the Sant Pau Recinte Modernista site. On 11 May, participants will have the opportunity to visit the port of Barcelona where good practices of circular blue economy will be showcased. The event will have interpretation services in English and French.
This conference will take place back to back with a matchmaking brokerage event on S3 (Smart Specialisation Strategies) in the blue biotechnologies sector, organised by DG MARE (more information will be provided shortly).
You can register for the event here:
/!\ Important!
This event is targeting the whole Mediterranean basin and will be carried out thanks to the coordination of the SwitchMed programme, covering the southern Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Blue Growth Community and the Interreg MED BLUEfasma project covering the EU Mediterranean countries.
For SwitchMed, a specific component dedicated to the Blue Economy was recently added to the programme thanks to additional funds provided by the European Union through its Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). This component is focusing on different aspects, including enabling policy frameworks at national and regional levels, sustainable entrepreneurship within Blue Economy sectors, improvement of the sustainability of the seafood, fish and aquaculture value chain and networking among key stakeholders.
Don’t miss the chance to participate in our event, register now!
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