Green Entrepreneurship Programme: 6 additional Trainings of Trainers successfully completed

SCP/RAC provided six additional Trainings of Trainers to the Switchers Support National Partnerships of Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine.

Published on Monday 16 November 2020· START-UPS AND ENTREPRENEURS

The Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) continue within the framework of the SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurship Programme. Since the last sessions organised in September in Morocco and Lebanon, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) has delivered no less than six new online trainings for Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine.

Such trainings are essential steps for each Switchers Support National Partnership (national coalitions of public and private actors, the business support organisations [BSOs], cooperating on green business development services) as they represent the first phase of the implementation of the Green Entrepreneurship Programme. Once this cycle of four trainings of trainers is completed, the trainers will be able to transfer their knowledge to the green entrepreneurs who will be selected as SwitchMed beneficiaries and trained according to that methodology.

More specifically, here are the Trainings of Trainers that took place recently for each National Partnership:

Joint ToT for Jordan and Palestine
A 4-day joint online training was carried out by SCP/RAC for both Jordan and Palestine on Sustainable Business Model Development on 14-16 October and 19 October. The trainers and experts were appointed by the Jordanian and Palestinian BSOs. It was the first ToT organised in these countries, following the launch of their Switchers Support National Partnerships. 29 Jordanian representatives of 13 BSOs and 19 Palestinian representatives of 8 BSOs, attended the training, which was facilitated through webinars. They did specific exercises requiring the use of the Sustainable Business Model Development online tool, recently developed by SCP/RAC, and were assessed at the end of the session.

Two other trainings were completed for Jordan, following its joint session with Palestine. The second training took place from 26 to 28 October, on Sustainable Business Plan Development. 29 representatives of 13 BSOs attended the online training during which trainees analysed a business plan with sustainability lenses. They could navigate and access the full methodology content through the Sustainable Business Plan Development online tool.

As for the third Jordanian ToT, it was held on 10-11 November (webinars of 2:50 hours per day) and focused on Product and Service Eco-design. Eco-design is the main tool available for sustainable businesses to improve their environmental performance and reduce the environmental impacts of their products and services. As it is usually said that 80% of the environmental impacts are determined during the design phase, 26 representatives of 18 BSOs members of the Jordanian National Partnership were trained on how to eco-design both a product or a service, including in using the Eco-design online tool.

In addition to the ToT organised jointly with Jordan in October, SCP/RAC carried out the second online training in Palestine from 9 to 11 November. It focused on how to support entrepreneurs in creating their Sustainable Business Plan. 19 representatives of 8 BSOs attended the training, which included the transfer of the conceptual framework, case studies and an introduction to the Sustainable Business Plan online tool.

Regarding Lebanon, SCP/RAC carried out the second online ToT from 20 to 21 October on Product and Service Eco-design. 20 representatives of 11 BSOs attended the training which was facilitated using webinars during which trainees eco-designed a product and a product-as-a-service. They could navigate and access the full methodology content through the Sustainable Business Plan Development online tool.

With respect to Morocco, the ToT on Sustainable Business Plan Development took place on 3-5 November. During that training, which was the second organised in Morocco, 19 trainers from 15 BSOs participated in an online workshop aiming at transferring the virtual tools to develop sustainable businesses to the members of the Switchers Support National Partnership.

This training was carried out by SCP/RAC trainers through webinars (3:30 hours per session), with the aim to share knowledge on the conceptual content and the functioning of the online platform which will be available soon providing free access to the most innovative set of sustainable business development tools designed for entrepreneurs and business support organizations. During the sessions, a practical case study was explored through virtual collaborative work. The platform was introduced to the participants so that they become familiar with the sustainable business plan development tool too. To conclude this workshop, participants were assessed to test their knowledge. Those who successfully passed the test received a certificate of approval of the SwitchMed Sustainable Business Plan Development methodology.

The certified trainers will be in a position to transfer that methodology and the online tool to other members of their organisations and to help entrepreneurs to switch from a sustainable business model to a comprehensive sustainable business plan, using the online platform.