The Switchers Policy Hub, a new space for policymakers working for the green and circular transition in the Mediterranean, will be launched soon

We invite all interested users to participate in a short survey to contribute to the development of the Hub until the 18th of July 2022.

Published on Wednesday 13 July 2022· POLICY

The Policy Hub, agreed by Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties in COP22 Decision IG 25/18, will foster information exchange and peer learning on policy instruments to boost the development of green and circular businesses in the region.

The platform will include a database gathering publications, best practices, policy tools and links to knowledge platforms on Green, Circular and Blue Economy topics. It will also include a Virtual Community of Practice where practitioners can share news or ask questions about challenges they might be facing in their work. Lastly, there will be an Events section that will be updated with the latest training workshops and conferences on these topics.

But the Hub won’t be limited to an online website, this will be managed by the SwitchMed Policy Team, who will be organizing online webinars and workshops and offering technical support to policymakers on an on-demand basis.

Finally, the Policy Hub will prepare a tailored newsletter which will provide up-to-date information on relevant initiatives, studies, policy instruments and good practices.

By promoting information-sharing and learning from successful initiatives in other countries, the Policy Hub will support policymakers in the development and adoption of specific policies and regulations, creating an enabling environment for the green and circular Economy in the Mediterranean.

The Hub will include countries from both shores of the Mediterranean sea, but will focus its support activities on Southern Mediterranean countries.

The platform has been developed by MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP, with the support of SwitchMed.

For the Policy Hub to be tailored to the needs of stakeholders engaged in this transition, policymakers and other organisations (development agencies, business support organisations and research institutions) are asked to complete a short survey to share their feedback. This will help Medwaves understand the main barriers and needs, and consequently adapt its services and build a more impactful Policy Hub.

The deadline for the survey is 18 July 2022.

Policymakers and other organisations (development agencies, business support organisations and research institutions) are asked to complete a short survey to share their feedback.