Webinars for better chemical and wastewater management in textile production proceed in Morocco and Tunisia

Businesses from the textile and garment industry complete the third batch of online training to improve chemical and wastewater management.

Published on Thursday 01 October 2020· INDUSTRY AND SERVICE PROVIDERS

Mid-September, 32 professionals, from 6 Moroccan and Tunisian businesses, completed a seven-day webinar organized jointly by UL and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The webinars are part of a series of training sessions for companies in the textile and garment industry and focus on improving chemical and wastewater management in line with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) requirements. Undertaken as part of the SwitchMed/MED TEST III project in Morocco and Tunisia, the training series has quickly become popular among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the textile and garment industry, with a fourth batch planned to take place in December 2020.

As part of the collaboration with the ZDHC Foundation, UNIDO will work to build regional capacities to enforce the phase-out of hazardous chemicals in the local textile value chains of Morocco and Tunisia. This activity will help to ensure both small and large production facilities to gain the necessary know-how, improve their ability to produce more sustainably and give them a competitive advantage in meeting future requirements markets and brands. Besides the training, ad-hoc technical assistance will assist pilot companies in developing their roadmaps for achieving ZDHC compliance. Companies participating in the pilot will learn to:

+ develop a baseline/chemical inventory;

+ set up chemical purchasing policies to switch to safer alternatives;

+ prepare a roadmap for substitutions;

+ implement safe chemical storage by the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP);

+ put in place wastewater testing protocols to obtain a certificate of conformity by accepted laboratory protocols.

The application for the pilot demonstration phase will commence soon in Morocco and Tunisia.

For more information on the MED TEST III project in Morocco and Tunisia click here.