Develop and strengthen the regulatory and legal framework to enhance the contribution of the housing and construction sector to sustainable economic development, social integration and cohesion, and environmental integrity.
- Develop and encourage regulatory and incentive policies and measures that support:
– Sustainable coastal urban development and green construction throughout the entire planning and construction process and the life cycle of buildings, for the achievement of a more efficient use of natural resources and energy, and the protection of coastal and marine ecosystems;
– Sustainable practices in housing and construction through the use of local building materials, traditional knowledge, environmental friendly technologies and materials, sustainable and conscious purchasing practices, and sustainable waste management practices such as the recycling, recovery and reuse of construction-related waste, including demolition waste; and
– Proper maintenance and operational efficiency of the existing housing stock;
– Develop specific tools/guidelines for assessment of buildings prior to demolition and renovation with a view to optimal use of Construction and Demolition Waste.
- Promote sustainable public procurement (SPP) in the public housing and construction sector, including subcontracting and services;
- Introduce efficient monitoring, enforcement and assessment systems that ensure compliance with and adherence to sustainability principles in physical and urban planning and development (notably through implementing Sustainable Energy Action Plans); green and sustainable building regulations; codes of practice and standards; and the contribution of housing and construction to resource and energy efficiency, sustainable consumption and production, economic development, job creation, improved environment and human welfare.