Regional action plan

The Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Mediterranean is the first intergovernmental agreement in the Mediterranean basin to establish a regional action framework to promote the shift towards a more sustainable and circular economy, consumption patterns with lower environmental footprints, and greener production methods. It is structured around key economic sectors that are the main sources of environmental pressures on Mediterranean ecosystems. It was adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Region of the Mediterranean at their COP19 in February 2016.


The Regional Action Plan on SCP in the Mediterranean is built around the following vision:

“By 2027 a prosperous Mediterranean region is established, with non-pollutant, circular, socially inclusive economies based on sustainable consumption and production patterns, preserving natural resources and energy, ensuring the well-being of societies and contributing to clean environment and healthy ecosystems that provide goods and services for present and future generations.” 

This vision translates into three strategic objectives:

Strategic objective 1. Establish a regional sustainable consumption and production framework to ensure coherence, coordination and implementation of sustainable consumption and production activities at the regional and national levels, and thus translate the global commitments on sustainable consumption and production to the Mediterranean Region.

Strategic objective 2. Develop and implement sustainable consumption and production Operational Objectives in the Mediterranean in order to promote and strengthen circular and green economy and support the Barcelona Convention, its Protocols and Regional Plans, the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD), and other regional policy frameworks for sustainable development.

Strategic objective 3. Engage key stakeholders (international organisations, national and local public authorities, business sector, consumers, civil society, universities and research institutions) in sustainable consumption and production models and circular economy measures leading to high resource efficiency and preservation, reduced pollution, and decoupling the development process from environmental degradation and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

The strategic objectives are broken down into operational objectives and suggested actions structured around four key economic sectors for the region (the so-called priority areas for consumption and production) as well as a set of transversal actions.

This vision translates into three strategic objectives:

Strategic objective 1. Establish a regional sustainable consumption and production framework to ensure coherence, coordination and implementation of sustainable consumption and production activities at the regional and national levels, and thus translate the global commitments on sustainable consumption and production to the Mediterranean Region.

Strategic objective 2. Develop and implement sustainable consumption and production Operational Objectives in the Mediterranean in order to promote and strengthen circular and green economy and support the Barcelona Convention, its Protocols and Regional Plans, the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD), and other regional policy frameworks for sustainable development.

Strategic objective 3. Engage key stakeholders (international organisations, national and local public authorities, business sector, consumers, civil society, universities and research institutions) in sustainable consumption and production models and circular economy measures leading to high resource efficiency and preservation, reduced pollution, and decoupling the development process from environmental degradation and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

The strategic objectives are broken down into operational objectives and suggested actions structured around four key economic sectors for the region (the so-called priority areas for consumption and production) as well as a set of transversal actions.

The priority areas

The priority areas are: Food, fisheries and agriculture; Goods manufacturing; Tourism and Housing and Construction.

The links below provide access to the complete set of operational objectives and actions for each sector, as well as the transversal actions. You may also download the full text of the English or French versions of the Regional Action Plan on SCP in the Mediterranean.

A mid-term evaluation of the SCP Action Plan is being carried out at the request of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention. It will be presented at COP22 in December 2021.

The priority areas are: Food, fisheries and agriculture; Goods manufacturing; Tourism and Housing and Construction.

The links below provide access to the complete set of operational objectives and actions for each sector, as well as the transversal actions. You may also download the full text of the English or French versions of the Regional Action Plan on SCP in the Mediterranean.

A mid-term evaluation of the SCP Action Plan is being carried out at the request of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention. It will be presented at COP22 in December 2021.