Algeria has embarked on the path of sustainable development since the beginning of 2000, through several laws and regulations, as well as strategic measures such as the National Strategy for the Environment (SNE), the National Action Plan for Environment and Sustainable Development 2035 (PNAE-DD), and the programs of energy transition and the development of renewable energies.
In order to contribute to a sustainable world, a Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan was developed and adopted within the framework of a participatory and inclusive approach by a large and diverse group of national stakeholders. Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns are by definition cross-cutting and affecting all sectors. The SCP-NAP, based on an SCP assessment in Algeria, is intended for all organizations, businesses, administrations, local communities and civil society associations and invites to take individual and joint initiatives to promote and encourage through concrete and innovative actions, new products and use of cleaner technologies
The Algerian SCP-NAP has identified 42 concrete actions for three priority areas:
This SCP-NAP further enables Algeria to renew its commitments in the realization of the 1 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and more specifically Goal 1 2 on Sustainable Consumption and Production. The 42 selected actions have a strong potential for leveraging and sharing SCP good practices.
The SCP-NAP is considered as one of the implementation tools of the National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development and interacts with the national climate plan, the national waste management strategy and the national plan for the development of renewable energy.
Adopting sustainable consumption and production patterns:
SCP highlights the efforts of the production and consumption sectors of goods and services, including businesses, public institutions, local communities and consumers with a special focus on:
Environment: (i) the efficient use of natural resources, (ii) the preservation of natural habitats, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, and watershed protection; (iii) reduction and prevention of pollution; and (iv) mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
Economy: (i) sustainable economic development in the long term, (ii) good business practices and (iii) respect for consumer rights and safety;
Social and human: (i) fight against poverty, particularly through employment, (ii) education, and awareness-raising, (iii) respect for human rights, including the right to access to basic services; and (iv) equitable social relations.
The principles inherent to the adoption of sustainable consumption and production modes essentially concern: (i) the integration of environmental, economic and social issues into the sustainable development approach; (ii) the decoupling of the economic development approach from the pressure on the environment; (iii) the implementation of the life cycle analysis approach of products and services; (iv) the stakeholder approach and (v) the prevention of rebound effect when upstream efforts (production efficiency) are counteracted by non-sustainable practices (downstream).