What we do

Designing out waste, reducing pollution, and keeping products and materials longer in use are cornerstones of a circular economy. These principles also outline the actions of UNIDO in developing sustainable and circular industries under the SwitchMed programme.

Creating business opportunities that reduce the environmental footprint of existing economic activities, will depend on the ability of manufacturing industries in transforming current production models to become more resource-efficient and less polluting. During the first phase of the SwitchMed, the business case for a resource-efficient and cleaner production demonstrated that significant savings could be achieved for the businesses as for the environment.

Second phase of SwitchMed

In the second phase of SwitchMed, country activities are based on the outcomes of the first phase and the recommendations from the national roadmaps for resource efficiency.

In Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine activities will continue to focus on the uptake of industrial resource efficiency by reaching out to additional businesses, sectors, and regions. The activities in these countries will focus on industry demonstrations, the training of local capacities, and on raising awareness for the business case of resource-efficient production.

Egypt, Israel, Morocco, and Tunisia, will for the second phase of SwitchMed scale up resource efficiency and cleaner production practices in the value chain(s) of the textile and garment industry (Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia) and the plastic packaging sector (Israel). Activities in these countries will focus on advancing closed-loop industrial systems that can produce cleaner and achieve more value from products and materials along the selected value chains.

Second phase of SwitchMed

In the second phase of SwitchMed, country activities are based on the outcomes of the first phase and the recommendations from the national roadmaps for resource efficiency.

In Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine activities will continue to focus on the uptake of industrial resource efficiency by reaching out to additional businesses, sectors, and regions. The activities in these countries will focus on industry demonstrations, the training of local capacities, and on raising awareness for the business case of resource-efficient production.

Egypt, Israel, Morocco, and Tunisia, will for the second phase of SwitchMed scale up resource efficiency and cleaner production practices in the value chain(s) of the textile and garment industry (Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia) and the plastic packaging sector (Israel). Activities in these countries will focus on advancing closed-loop industrial systems that can produce cleaner and achieve more value from products and materials along the selected value chains.

  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency


  • MED TEST II Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology
