Privacy Policy
SCP/RAC is legally hosted by the Catalan Waste Agency Identification of the treatment: contact with the Catalan Waste Agency
- Responsible: Catalonia Waste Agency
- Purpose: Management of the data of persons whose professional activity is directly related to the area of competence of the Catalan Waste Agency
- Basis: Consent of the interested party so that the Catalan Waste Agency can contact them, by post, email or telephone, to directly deal with professional matters in which they are working and send them information on the activities that are organized
- Recipients: The data will be communicated to the treatment managers who provide the ICT services on behalf of the controller. The data will not be communicated to other categories of recipients, except in cases provided by law or when you have expressly consented
- Rights of individuals concerned: Request access, rectification or deletion of the data, and the limitation or opposition to the treatment. You must use the form available in the Data Protection section of the website of the Catalan Waste Agency