Welcome to the Palestinian country hub! Here you can find the latest information about the actions SwitchMed is carrying out to achieve sustainable consumption and production in Palestine. Stay tuned!
On the industry side, activities are based on the objectives from the National Roadmap for resource efficiency, which was developed between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Palestinian Government and stakeholders from the Palestinian Industry during the MED TEST II project. Under the MED TEST III project, activities are undertaken that can create a more endorsing environment for scaling up resource efficiency among SMEs in Palestine and include academia, business consultancies and policymakers in this process.
At policy level, Palestine has successfully developed their Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan (SCP-NAP) (UN Sustainable Development Goal 12) and is currently implementing it. For further information please visit the Palestine national policy hub.
As for green entrepreneurship, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) strengthens Business Support Organisations (BSOs) targeting green entrepreneurs and start-ups, by setting-up local partnerships and providing enhanced business support services. These services include the transfer of methodologies to BSOs and training, coaching and advisory services to green entrepreneurs, as well as activities promoting networking and access to finance. The local partner in Palestine is the Palestine Center for Continuing Education – Birzeit University. For further information please visit the Switchers Support National Partnership of Palestine.
Find the results of SwitchMed Phase I in Palestine here.
The online session, named "Green Startups Meet Market Influencers," along with the last edition of incubated start-ups, was organized to commemorate the end of the SwitchMed II program in Palestine, marking almost decade of development in the region. See more
The incubation phase has officially commenced in Palestine for four promising projects selected by the jury during a pitching event held on March 20, 2023. During this event, the blue entrepreneurs behind the pre-selected 25 best business ideas unveiled their Blue Business Models, which they had developed over the preceding months within the framework of the Switchers Support Programme. See more
On the occasion of the World Ocean Day, EU Neighbours South and SwitchMed are launching the #EYESONBLUE competition to select the best 3 Blue entrepreneurs of the Southern Mediterranean. Apply now! See more